A former NYPD officer’s take on Biden’s gun violence plan

Denis Sassou Nguesso – The Man Behind The Peace in the Republic of the Congo

Denis Sassou Nguesso is one of the longest-serving African leaders, having come into power in the Republic of The Congo almost three decades ago. In 1979 he was installed as president by the military, a position he maintained until he lost in the multi-party elections in 1992. He returned to power after the 1997 civil war and was re-elected in 2002 and 2009.

Substance Abuse And Our Global Society

Substance abuse has become the nemesis of the global society. The symbiotic relationship between “producer” and “consumer” countries, continues to support an ever growing and powerful illicit drug industry. Today, drug abuse within each country, presents several internal dynamics for each nation. The industry influences the local economy, trafficking becomes the obvious progression. Back in the days of alcohol prohibition, organized criminals fought for territories, involving neighborhoods, communities and other states. Currently the battle for control of various substances, and their distribution, plays out on an international stage, daily. For decades the USA has been the primary consumer of illicit substances. The world’s illicit drug map is evolving, and several “economically sound” countries’ hunger for drugs are on an uptick.

The Last NATO President?

Is NATO prepared to fight in defense of its Eastern members against Russia? If not, Obama may be the last NATO president.

I’ve Got Money, Let’s Just Get Along

Money is the great equalizer. Making a case for globalization and the interweaving of national economies.

Assess the Effectiveness of Anti-Natal Policies in Less Developed Countries

Many poorer countries have the problem of overpopulation. This is my take on some of the birth-control policies these countries have used to combat this problem in particular.

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