Global Voting Online Might Be A Good Idea
Let me run this scenario by you for a moment. First, we know that ONLY US Citizens are supposed to vote in our elections, yet, citizens are not the only people that our policies effect. We have people living in the US on work-VISAs, we have illegal aliens here, and we have non-citizens that come to visit and stay for many months on end. We also have an incredible tourist trade. Shouldn’t all of these people have a say. No, I am not suggesting they get to choose our leadership or decide what the laws here will be, rather I am suggesting that we let their voices be heard.
International Trade and International ShippingIs the United Nation’s International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) safe for our global economy, economic trade, and peace in the world? Sometimes I do wonder. If we try to stop all the CO2 emissions in the world from trucks, trains, ships, and planes how can we get the needed supplies around the world to help humanity prosper and enjoy the abundance of our endeavors and live our life experiences to the fullest possible? It seems the IPCC’s agenda and targets to reduce emissions of CO2 may conflict with life on Earth, specifically human life. Let me explain as this issue recently came up at our think tank and we spent hours trying to justify the IPCC’s recommendations from their COP21 global meeting.
Renegotiating NAFTA – It’s About Time For A Major UpgradeDoes it makes sense to renegotiate NAFTA – North American Free Trade Agreement? Personally, I think re-negotiation of US-Mexico Trade is a good idea, NAFTA needs a serious upgrade. This isn’t an issue of being anti-Mexican or anti-anything, it is a matter of being pro-American. Face it in the USA we love immigrants since we all are immigrants, even with Mayflower ancestry – we are great and must celebrate diversity, but never force it, or allow political correctness to box us into bad decision-making.
The Bewildering Facebook ExperienceOne’s contact group on Facebook begins with a modest circle of family and friends but after several years it grows into a vast and diverse group of people with many of whom one has very little in common. In the writer’s case, although English continues to dominate, the polyglot community posts also in Arabic, Vietnamese, Tagalog and smatterings of African languages. And while the initial group discussed familiar issues and expressed views with which one was generally in sympathy, the larger eclectic group that evolves over time promotes strange and sometimes offensive opinions, often expressed in imperfect or unsavoury language. One wonders how a group that is designated as friends can mutate into such a sprawling and largely alien community.
Why Do We Buy Fireworks From Mexico And American Flags From China To Celebrate The 4th of July?Personally, I love the Fourth of July. Perhaps, like you, I love my country and enjoy celebrating that holiday as I am very proud to be an American. Of course, I am not alone in loving this holiday. It turns out China, Britain and Mexico love this holiday also. Why you ask? It’s simple, you see the fireworks generally come from Mexico and Britain and our BBQ, the ones we get on sale at Home Depot come from China. Interestingly enough, you’d think the fireworks would come from China too, since they invented fireworks 1,000s of years ago.