Radical Islam or Bin Ladenism / Khomeiniism? Religion or Politics
The West has been in a war with an enemy that seeks to change its form of government, utterly change its culture and destroy its way of life since at least September 11, 2001. However, the West has been paralyzed in this war almost from the beginning for failure to know how to label the enemy because the ideology of the enemy has its roots in religion.
The Next Place to InvestIndia’s new tax system promises to change nearly everything we’ve come to know and accept about the Indian economy. The winners are the Indian economy, the Indian people – and foreign investors…
How South Africans Soon ForgotXenophobia in South Africa – When South Africa was in her troubled waters, Nigeria and indeed other African countries stood by her to ensure she gets out of the trouble waters, to see to the end of Apartheid. It was so brutal that it claimed so many lives and others were jailed in the process, the likes of Late Nelson Mandela et’al. During this period, African leaders mounted pressure on the P. W. Bother regime to end apartheid and to hand over power so that South Africans can govern themselves.
Why the Misinformed Pope Misleads the WorldWhile the Pope appears to be gentle, loving, and all forgiving one must question his education and even intellect. Is it a result of brain-washing from birth that he persists to claim the existence of heaven and hell, or a case of good business practices for the Catholic Brand that his messages are of such deceit? Much of the world’s population have woken up to the fact that neither place exists and yet they listen to his messages.
VE DAY: Victory in EuropeNineteen Forty Five was an extraordinary year. It was the year when no one was elected to the baseball’s Hall of Fame, the year that Peru, Paraguay, Chile and Ecuador joined the UN, and according to ContactLensKing.com, the year Alcon, one of the world’s largest eye care companies, was founded. However, reigning above all possible achievements occurring in 1945 there is one that overshadowed all others, and one that was a defining moment which helped cultivate a path towards global freedom and prosperity namely, VE Day. On May 8th the United States and Great Britain celebrate this day as the official marker of Nazi Germany’s defeat.