Will the Entire Arab World Go Nuclear – Nuke Weapons for All?
It is amazing how many nations have nuclear weapons, and it’s unfortunate because it all started with the United States. Russia had given nuclear technology to China, China had most likely given it to North Korea, and now North Korea wants to go into the nuclear weapons business, as a sideline export industry to pay for the economic travesty they’ve created there. The Pakistanis have also sold nuclear technology to Iran, Libya, Algeria, and several other nations.
It’s Now Greek to All of Us – Market Draws Line in the Sand Around GreeceThe market has drawn a proverbial line in the sand, and it runs along the Greek border. Investors have decided that the future of the free world lives and dies with Greece. The thinking is that if Greece defaults, it will have a Lehman type domino effect and not only bring down other weak nations like Portugal, Italy and Spain (those are the PIIGS you’ve probably heard about, add in Ireland and you see the acronym), but strong banks too. There is certainly reason to worry. They are right.
Oldest News Report Was Printed In Mexico CityThe first ever news report was an eight-page booklet published in 1541 after a storm and earthquake devastated Guatemala. Although the printing press had been invented in Europe about a century earlier, in 1440, the field of journalism had yet to be invented.
First Government Overthrow, Then Chaos, and Next Legitimate Elections – How Does That Work?It is rather interesting that the world media convinced US citizens that all of the turbulence, protests, riots, and “Days of Rage” in Egypt and Tunisia were all about democracy and power to the people. Unfortunately, what many people didn’t understand was that the utter chaos, anarchy, and problems that followed, and will continue into the future will be far worse for the citizens living in those countries. Right now, the populations of these countries are having a tough time feeding themselves, and their economic base has been destroyed.
Artist Usher Raymond’s New Look Foundation Continues to Grow After More Than a Decade of ServiceOften is the case that when celebrities reach certain levels of success, they get involved in philanthropic initiatives or take the ultimate step by forming their own charitable organization. Following a successful breakthrough into the American R&B music genre in the 1990s, Usher Raymond IV (known simply as “Usher”) did just that, founding a non-profit organization by the name of New Look Foundation.