Massive winter storm

Why Did Israel Hang Eichmann?

A recent article featured prominently on the Internet ended by seeking comment from those old enough to remember the illegal extradition of Adolf Eichmann from Argentina on 20 May 1960. Among students in England about to sit their final examinations for their bachelor degrees there was both a sense of satisfaction as well as disappointment. It was only proper for Nazi war criminals to be found and brought to justice, but justice requires the correct procedures to be followed, and the methods of the Israeli Government seemed more akin to gang warfare. Surely, demonstrating the standards of modern civilisation in a new world established after the defeat of fascism in the Second World War required following the rule of law.

Heading For The Grexit

As in any classical tragedy, the Greeks cannot escape the consequences of their own choices. While there is always a chance of yet another last-minute deal that pushes the 5-year-old Greek crisis away from its final conclusion, it does increasingly look as though June 2015 will be the month that Athens finally says to its creditors, “ochi pia.”

Ghana Life: Still a Need for Home-Made Transport

From at least the 1970s, small engineering enterprises in Suame Magazine, Kumasi, Ghana, have been building new wooden and metal bodies on the chasses of old imported vehicles. Over the decades since, they have provided the local transport system with thousands of vehicles specially adapted to the needs of the local economy, and in doing so they have created thousands of jobs for drivers and mates as well as low-cost services enjoyed by millions. Although this phenomenon has been observed in many countries throughout the developing world, no serious effort has been made by advanced motor manufacturers to supply its needs or exploit a niche market.

Top 5 French Translation Tips

We live in a globalized community where brands are eager to conquer new markets in an unprecedented manner. Unfortunately, more than half of the world’s population does not understand English. So, if a brand from North America wants to foray into the French market, translation of their marketing materials comes to play a pivotal role.

Obey Papa? The Pope’s Call for Unity to Heal a Prophetic Wound Involves Risk and Loss of US Freedoms

Summary: All the Protestant reformers saw the papacy as the “little horn” power claiming the title of God while persecuting the saints and changing the Commandments, Daniel 7:25. In Revelation 13, we see the beast [political cartoon] as an amalgamation of a lion, bear, leopard and dragon representing the papacy as it assimilated the customs and paganism of Babylon, Persia, Grecia and Rome that it outlived. The beast had a wound that healed and the world worships the beast. Like it or not, we will all participate, going along with New World Order (pope, link below), or face extinction, Rev 13:17

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