Meta shares drop 20% after gloomy earnings report

Daniel 8 Shows US/UK Defeat of Iran Before Russia Attacks US – China and EU With the Papacy Shown

When asked about the end of the world in Matthew 24, Christ said to understand Daniel. His 8th chapter is “at the time of the end” and has imagery that fits US, Iran, Russia, China, the EU and papacy.

Rio, A Tale Of Two Cities

Rio de Janeiro really is a tale of two cities. On the one hand, they have all glitz and glamour designed to impress the world and on the other hand lies the dark side of poverty so acute leaves little doubt that crime accentuated by violence is the main facet of everyday life. This in a city that is supposed to hold the next Summer Olympics.

Uniting Europeans, If Any Can Be Found

French President Hollande wants a united eurozone government. It would be a better way to fund French aims with German cash.

A Chinese Leap Of Faith

Maybe China will actually be the first country in the history of this planet to embark on an extended era of unbroken economic growth. A skeptic looks at China’s miraculous GDP report.

Foods North Americans Miss While Living In Costa Rica

Living in Costa Rica can be a daily challenge, especially when it comes to food. We all have our favourites, we try to replace the foods you love with their Costa Rican equivalents, but that ends in frustration.

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