Protesters demand answers over man killed in no-knock warrant raid I GMA

Typhoon Washi – In Iligan City Philippines: Death Toll Hits Over 1,200

This article tells about the horrifying Typhoon Sendong (Typhoon Washi as its international name) that tormented the Phillippines (Iligan and Cagayan De Oro City to be specific) last December 16, 2011. Typhoon Sendong killed more than 1000 people with over 500 missing victims and 35,000 survivors.

Anyaele Sam Chiyson – A True Leader

Anyaele Sam Chiyson is a rich sage whose sagacity is enlivening novelty, enlightening people, lightening places and enriching lives positively. This champion of the century has the kind of fatherly wisdom that encourages everyone around him to reach for success and attain it.

Explain The Term Valencia

Valencia, the third largest Spanish city is located halfway down the coast of Eastern Spain. It is believed to be one of the eminent cities of the Mediterranean and is especially known for its appealing climate. This regional capital is famous for its historical cultural heritage, primarily including the Silk Exchange.

To Iran: Go Ahead, Make Our Day

That should be the US message to Iran’s threat of closing the Straits of Hormuz. By doing so it would give a sensible American Administration not only the opportunity to blow Iran’s navy out of the water but to hit all those nuclear facilities at the same time.

Y2K Bug

Y2K was the first digital doomsday scenario. Not only did it stem from a computer glitch, but programmers, survivalists, and government agencies all had the benefit of digital communication tools to help spread the word, develop solutions, and market products designed to ensure survival once the catastrophe began. Although modern technology was the source of the Y2K glitch, the predictions of widespread panic and chaos hit a nerve, and triggered responses rooted in fears and stories much older than the current crisis.

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