Queen Elizabeth marks Platinum Jubilee

This Decade of Dying Fiat Currencies

Countries are now starting to look very carefully at their true wealth and are now focused on Gold to protect their countries short term future. Fiat currencies continue to loose their value, and with deflation creeping in, Central banks around the world are now cranking out paper money faster than ever before. This is leading those Fiat currencies on a one way trip to the graveyard. Silver and Gold are well poised to again protect your personal wealth, as high inflation erodes bank savings in the next few years.

A Look Inside Burma’s Press Freedom, Business and Election – With Aung Thura and Patrick Boehler

This month we were fortunate to host two Asia-based professionals with deep insights into Burma. Yangon-based Aung Thura is a Burmese national and returnee whose guarded optimism about the latest developments in his native homeland underscored the hopeful cheers of a world waiting for true democracy to take hold. Hong Kong expatriate Patrick Boehler provided focused commentary on the political situation and his experience with Burmese refugees in Kuala Lumpur. Both confirmed Southeast Asia is quite possibly one of the most dynamic and interesting regions in the world today.

Nigeria Was Created By The British Not God And Must Be Divided Now

Here we are going to consider the theory of a former President of Nigeria, Olusegun Obasanjo who believes in the divine creation of the Nigerian state. Of course for a man like Obasanjo and the part he has played in the Nigeria affairs it is not difficult to see how it is easy for him to believe as he does. On the two occasions that he had opportunity to head Nigeria’s government, they were both fortuitous moments, all coming on the heels of the death or assassination of his predecessors.

Is China the Next Global Power

China has a very ancient civilization, which stretches back to 400 years. At that time China was known as the ‘middle kingdom’ and was the centre of the world. But history has a cycle and that cycle sent China hurtling down as the European powers led by England and France came to the fore.

Things As They Are

What life have we got in 2012? What can we have in the 21st century? Weather and earth forecasts, predictions from psychics, statistics from historians, feasibility studies from scientists, economics from traders, lifestyles from tribes and communities, education from teachers, and false promises from a number of public and private servants, among others.

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