New international thriller ‘Suspicion’ explores truth in social media age

New international thriller ‘Suspicion’ explores truth in social media age

Chechnya And “The Big Goodbye” Russia insists on keeping Chechnya by force, fearing dissolution of Russian Federation. In fact Russia stands much to gain from giving regions freedom to either…

Hollywood’s role in the US-China fight for cultural supremacy

Hollywood’s role in the US-China fight for cultural supremacy

Is The United States of America Negotiating for a Terrorist Organization Now? In mid-November of 2012 rockets were shot from across the Syrian border into Israel. Simultaneously, rockets and even…

Parrot steals family's GoPro

Parrot steals family’s GoPro

How News Articles Have Changed Accept it – in an age where news spreads through social media like twitter, Facebook or other channels as fast as fingers can type, news…

Actress Madalen Mills: ‘Sometimes you have to learn how to rescue yourself’

Actress Madalen Mills: ‘Sometimes you have to learn how to rescue yourself’

What Did Nelson Mandela Mean To Africans? Some thirty-five years ago Senegal’s then president, Abdou Diouf, christened “Soweto Square” and “Nelson Mandela Avenue” in downtown Dakar, Senegal’s capital city. I…

President Joe Biden heads to New York to discuss gun violence spike across country l ABCNL

President Joe Biden heads to New York to discuss gun violence spike across country l ABCNL

Albania – A Shootout at the Queen’s Birthday Party? It was the first week in June 1998 in Tirana, Albania where the focus then was on the upcoming Queen’s Birthday…

New footage shows moments before missing mom's disappearance

New footage shows moments before missing mom’s disappearance

A Tale of Two Cities: How Babylon/Rome Wins and Loses in the End As the #1 best-selling book of all times, the Bible offers insights to every area of life….

Building a legacy for Malcolm X

Building a legacy for Malcolm X

Aliyah – Jewish Return to Israel a Good Plan, But Not in 2015 The book of Daniel supports Jewish Aliyah, but also offers a time-frame for it that is overlooked….

President Biden tackles gun violence

President Biden tackles gun violence

Flashback to the Sixties – Growing Up During the Nigerian-Biafran War The era that brought out the adventure in children was the same era that filled adults with anguish. While…

Digital economy ‘has not worked for so many Americans’: Rep. Ro Khanna

Digital economy ‘has not worked for so many Americans’: Rep. Ro Khanna

The Role of Globalized Education in Achieving the Post-2015 Development Agenda As the world stands at an historical juncture, it calls for a universal education system that integrates the three…

Truckers protest at US-Canada border over vaccine mandates

Truckers protest at US-Canada border over vaccine mandates

An Oscar on the Screen and a Realpolitik Behind the Curtain: A Critique on the Recent Oscar Awards An Oscar again to the 2012, Academy Oscar award winner, Pakistani activist…