Presidents Macron and Putin discuss "how to avoid war” in Ukraine - BBC News

Presidents Macron and Putin discuss “how to avoid war” in Ukraine – BBC News

Space Exploration and Peace in the Middle East Is it possible to bring a “bridge of technology” to the Middle East to unite the Western world in a common cause,…

China and Russia declare “no limits” to their plan to rival US power - BBC News

China and Russia declare “no limits” to their plan to rival US power – BBC News

Indian Foreign Policy and External Relations Indian foreign policy plays an important role in building relations with other nations through peace and progress. Through this policy, India formulates, adopts several…

ABC News Live: Biden gives remarks on US special forces operation in Syria

ABC News Live: Biden gives remarks on US special forces operation in Syria

Importance of NGOs In the Developing Society NGOs or Non- governmental organizations made their first appearance in the mid of the nineteenth century, just after the World War II. The…

UK tightens sanctions on Russia over Ukraine invasion fears - BBC News

UK tightens sanctions on Russia over Ukraine invasion fears – BBC News

The Multipolar World Economy The global economy currently is undergoing a great transformation in terms of economic structure, power, and influence. The economies that have been commonly called ” emerging…

Mixed messages over the threat in Ukraine

Mixed messages over the threat in Ukraine

War With China Is Inevitable It’s not the desire of Western Nations that we have a war with China but the pressure from the leadership of that nation makes it…