An Oscar on the Screen and a Realpolitik Behind the Curtain: A Critique on the Recent Oscar Awards
An Oscar again to the 2012, Academy Oscar award winner, Pakistani activist and Journalist: Sharmeen Obaid – Chinoy is indeed a moment of great pride for a nation like Pakistan, which has been massively portrayed as “the most worst and insecure place worldwide for women”, but, a moment of meticulous analysis reveals the realpolitik behind awarding an Oscar again to the documentary based on the plight of Pakistani ill-fated women, is the blatant projection of Islam as a misogynist religion and re-enforcing the myth that “Islam is a religion of terror” at the global level. Formerly, it was the issue of “Acid Attacks” on the Pakistani women covered in the 2012 Oscar award winning short documentary “Saving Face” and this time it is another form of gender based violence: “Honour killing”, pinpointing and reiterating the the fact that “Islam supports violence and barbarity over women”, so that the western lobbying of Islamophobia be furthered. The whole western team propped up by the Oscar award winning lady and the preference of releasing the documentary first infront of the US audience depicts the involvement of Foreign element in creating a mania of violence and terror vis-a-vis Islam,so that,the plethora of militia be shifted towards the “Capitalistic” ideologies, a gist of the 4th generation warfare.
Changing the Name of Easter?With one chocolate manufacturer reported to have considered removing the word ‘Easter’ from its chocolate eggs, the question arises once again: is Easter any longer a Christian festival? With recent surveys finding that about 52 percent of the adult population of the United Kingdom has no religious affiliation, and another 8 percent profess a non-Christian faith, Easter now has actual religious significance for only a minority. The major driving force behind the celebration of Easter, as well as Christmas and all other annual holidays, is the market economy, with commercial enterprises seeking ways to exploit every opportunity to boost sales. Whatever its name, it seems likely that the spring holiday will endure as long as there is profit to be made.
The Dreams on Which Male Power Is BasedMen have ego and standing and they consider their lot in life to be above those of women and other creatures. This is evident in the way the world is run and the Establishment that is the power-house of progress. It is the basis of religions that demand women serve men and surrender all other things to do so.
Enemies Grow Alike: The West and Militant IslamThe old saying that enemies grow alike seems to be verified from time-to-time throughout history, and is becoming apparent today in the face of the threat from Islamic jihadists. Although countries on both sides of the Atlantic have much more pressing problems, the issue of Islamic extremism seems to take centre stage. This may be partly due to politicians focussing on external threats to divert attention from internal problems, but, whatever the reason, the abuse of the law by terrorists is giving rise to groups in both the USA and the UK which increasingly advocate summary justice and hold the national police and judicial process in contempt.
FlyDubai Accident – Reflections About DeathNo one can tell when death is around the corner. People rush to gymnasiums or go to jogging jaunts to keep fit. Professionals and Scientists assure us that air travel is now safer than before and the chances of dying in an air-crash are slim to none… But the recent Fly Dubai accident made me start to reflect on some important issues of life