In One Day the Loss of Children and Widowhood
As the world struggles under the weight of natural disasters coupled with terrorism and civil wars there is a reminder in prophecies that these things will happen. The people who believe in false gods, who worship the sun as a god, and who have no connection with the Spirit of the Universe, the real God, are in line for annihilation. While we wonder why people die suddenly as water floods their land, an earthquake buries them alive, or super fires wipe them out then look to the bible.
Brainwashed From Babies the Mind of a Terrorist Can’t Be ChangedThe brain is a strong organ and it is full of channels and it stores messages taken in from birth. The channels have to be opened to work properly and when the majority of it is working then everything is taken on board and logic prevails. Brainwashing, however, makes it work differently.
Signs of the Last DaysThe first and most obvious is from Micah 4:1 which states that in the last days the mountain of God will appear in the top of the mountains and all people will flow to it. That mountain is the Internet and it is above all institutions, systems, and governments. Everyone in the world is flowing to it for answers and communication.
Zaha Hadid: The Nonpareil Impact On The WorldIt takes an artist to identify an artist, and Zaha Hadid was nothing less than a pure genius. People who are into the contemporary designs and architecture, would acknowledge the great loss the world has suffered of the Iraqi-British architect who left the world a little more fabulous than when she had entered it, on 31st March 2016 at the age of 65.
The Murderer Who Rose With the Light and Became the Thief of the Night (Job 24:14)Unless one is shown the meaning of these words they are without importance but when the Spirit gave me to understand them they are among the most pertinent in the bible. The murderer is the first beast of Revelation and the night is the day that turned dark because of the second beast that is identified as 666. Together they are the same as the first built a huge wall of confusion and deceit and the second maintained it and strengthened it – he kept constant the things of the 1st beast.