If We Run Out of Oil How Will We Power Our Large Cargo Ships for International Trade?
Well, let me tell you the calamity the world would face if we ran out of oil, it wouldn’t be all that pretty. I am sure we all know that, and “peak oil” theory aside, the prospects are not fun to think about especially considering this future potential eventuality. After all, first world nations, and the US included run on oil, let’s not kid ourselves. So what if we did run out, this is a question I was recently asked, and such “What Ifs” are not very pleasant to think about, but let’s talk about it anyway if we might.
Food Safety – Are Uniform Global Standards PossibleThe Horse Meat Issue has given rise to questions on Food Safety Standards both on a Global and National Level. A Global Strategy assuring Food Safety is required. However, the application of a Uniform Food Safety Standard has many stumbling blocks.
Dubai Is The Coolest, Hottest and Best Place to Ride the Economic Rollercoaster of HumanityQuite frankly, I think every American inherently knows that in the United States we have a spending problem. Of course, we aren’t alone, if you look at Dubai, you can see they have one too, and each project is more elaborate than the next, each one trying to outdo the incredible architecture, engineering marvel, or nuance of the last. There is of course a difference between Dubai and the United States. In Dubai they actually have a solid income from the sale of oil, whereas in the United States we are running trade deficits, and we are spending money we don’t have.
Damage After the Russian Meteor StrikeThousands of workers have been dispatched to help in Russia’s Chelyabinsk region, where a meteor travelling at around 33,000 mph rained down over the Ural Mountains, injuring over 1,500 people and with 46 still in the hospital. The event brought Friday morning traffic in Chelyabinsk to a halt as drivers stopped to watch the falling meteor light up the sky.
Reincarnation, Spiritual Links and ContinuitySpirituality is a guidance and continuation of existence beyond the grave. It has its people who are not the religious or fundamentalists but who are instead the peace makers, carers, givers and gentle folk.