Wrongly convicted Malcolm X suspect speaks out

Before Anyone Apologises, Here Are Ten Things You Might Not Know About Slavery

As the subject of compensation for the descendants of slaves has come into the news again and as a lot of heat is generated, but not always much light, I set out in this article ten facts that might help illuminate the discussion. On reflection, you may want to ask ‘Who should be apologising to whom?’ among other things.

Uruguay Stands Up to Government Corruption

Secure in their financial power, corporations are now demanding preferential treatment from countries around the world. Uncle Sam, at least, is listening, as the treaty TISA moves forward. But there’s one country who’s not going to take much more…

Russia and Syria: Bad for the United States

Russia, Iran, and China are cooperating in supposedly supporting Assad and ousting ISIS from Syria as the United States sits on the sidelines. Many U.S…

Who Exactly Are Fanning The Flames Of The Syria Crisis?

The ongoing Syria crisis, described as the ‘greatest humanitarian disaster since WWII’ continues to shock and appal in equal measure, and it’s not hard to see why. As the world wakes up to the realisation that these refugees are not freeloaders after all, but are literally fighting for their very existence, and are willing to risk life and limb to be allowed settlement in Europe. Since the Arab spring in 2011, the Assad regime has struggled to maintain control with the rise of the various rebel groups such as the Free Syrian Army and ISIS among them.

International Peace Day

Last Monday was “International Peace Day” and it was largely unnoticed. Think about it, did you do anything special on a day that was designed to change the world? The appointed representatives at the United Nations at some point decided that to have an International Peace Day that would make a difference.

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