US soldiers deployed to Europe to bolster NATO in Eastern Europe

The Dead Can’t Be Punished and Nor Do They Live Forever

The ones who will inherit the earth after the devastation is complete are those who are spiritual and belong to God. Old Testament prophecies laid it out but man has confused the issue with dreams and his imagination.

Can You Put Peace In Your Heart Like Nelson Mandela?

Can ordinary people overcome adversity and put peace in their hearts or is this a feat only “the Great Ones” can achieve? Read more to learn the answer…

Hong Kong, With 50,000 New Arrivals Every Year, Is Becoming Too Crowded

The territory of Hong Kong occupies just 425 square miles off the South China coast, cut off from the mainland by the delta of the great Pearl River and surrounded by the warm waters of the South China Sea. Hong Kong is one of two “Special Administrative Regions” of the People’s Republic of China (called an “SAR” – in fact, Hong Kongers like myself do not refer to “Hong Kong,” but rather speak of the being residents of our “SAR”). On this 425 square miles of SAR reside some seven million people, which makes Hong Kong the most densely populated land on the planet, with something like 17,000 people per square mile.

Is NAFTA The Best Thing That Has Happened To The Americas In The Last 20 Years?

I wonder how many of my friends in The City of Mexico, New York, Los Angeles, Dallas, or Toronto know that NAFTA will celebrate its 20th birthday in January 2014? Probably very few, and those who do know might say, with NAFTA’s detractors, that there is no cause of for celebration. Yet every economist I know in Canada and Mexico believes that NAFTA has been a spectacular success. It has created better jobs and higher income in the three partner nations.

The Internet Is God’s Way of Bypassing Religious Prejudices

The degree of religious prejudice and the barrier to the truth erected by fundamentalists have prevented the truth from escaping. That is no longer the case as the Internet is playing its part in educating the masses and sending forth a new teaching to knock these things down.

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