1 dead in shooting at grocery store, suspect at large

Children of War: The True Victims

Children are often the first casualties of any armed conflict. Since the nineties, attention has been focused upon Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Kosovo, Rwanda, Somalia, Liberia, Cambodia, the former Yugoslavia, Sudan, Sierra Leone, the Democratic Republic of Congo…

Reasons Why One Day We Will All Live In Peace

Promoting a Culture of Peace in Chicago is the mission of the Chicago Build Peace Committee. They work to promote the good values, attitude, behavior and also institutions that help build peace among individuals, families, companies and the city as a whole. The committee have worked hard to make sure that an annual event that takes place every September will be a day to remember.

House of Saud and the Nightmare of Change Management in the Kingdom

One of the most dangerous things to organizational capital in a large corporation is to have changes in management. In fact, there is a whole line of study called “Change Management” to deal with these challenges, which often lead to crisis if there is not a smooth transition. When companies have several changes in a row, successions take their toll and all too often chaos will ensue.

Child Sex Workers: Victims of A Stolen Childhood

Countless hundreds of thousands of children are traded and misused daily in underground sex markets for activities such as child pornography, prostitution and pedophilia. The global trafficking of children for commercial sex exploitation includes sex tourism, procurement of child prostitutes by pimps, unlawful incarceration of children, mutilation of children and various sexual practices pertaining to initiation rites.

Happy Endings That Almost Didn’t Happen

Gadhafi’s demise may seem inevitable in retrospect, but it wasn’t. The Libyan rebellion had to be rescued in the nick of time.

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