Breaking down a busy day of Ukraine-Russia talks

Breaking down a busy day of Ukraine-Russia talks

Can We Stop Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East? Most of the military analysts have a negative outlook on WMD in the Middle East. Most of the think tank papers…

Pentagon’s John Kirby holds briefing amid tensions with Russia over Ukraine

Pentagon’s John Kirby holds briefing amid tensions with Russia over Ukraine

COVID 2020: A Call To Arms With the elimination of so many distractions, have you now come face-to-face with yourself? Have you begun to question everything? Have you discovered what…

Russia, Belarus conduct military drills amid Ukraine tensions I ABCNL

Russia, Belarus conduct military drills amid Ukraine tensions I ABCNL

My Button Is Bigger Than Your Button! The world seems to be being held hostage by the megalomanianic premise that he who hath the biggest capability to destroy the entire…