At least 22 people dead in Ecuador landslide -BBC News

Why Roman Emperor Constantine Is 666

Speculations about the man who bears this number are wide and include things like that of the Pope, based on his title. Following my reincarnation and strong link to the Spirit of the Universe many visions were given to me during a time of great learning. One such vision was while dressing one morning when the words CONSTANTINE IS 666 appeared in large black letters before my eyes.

Terrorism Won’t Stop While Religions Dominate Societies

Australians are possibly as free in their country as anyone in the world and yet many continue to tie themselves to religious hokus pokus based on lies, ancient beliefs, and false gods. The New Testament was compiled and scribed by Jerome, the ‘doctor’ of the Catholic Church. Based on the invention of Jesus Christ by Constantine, identified as 666 in Revelation 13:12-18, he used torture and terrorism and the Vatican continued the practice.

The Fat Skinny Bitch!

In 1976, I went on a world tour and chose to take with me a minimum of clothes which I packed into my luggage so, anything I needed I would buy overseas. On the last phase of my journey, I departed from a city in Italy and went by hovercraft to Dover, England to meet up with a coach tour which headed towards London. I was booked in for a two-week stay at a hotel, and towards the end of my visit, I had to find other accommodation.

Jewish Smart Sperm

Undetectable in an Ashkenazim Jews sperm there lies a substance that helps a Jew climb high in social and financial status. One day that unique substance will be discovered with a benefit to all humankind.

Democracy Built Over 1000 Years. A Rogue Parliament, Corruption, Foreign Influence Destroyed This

The loss that we have seen is quite profound. It’s not Brexit although this has to be delivered, it was democracy, democracy is a staple of British political diet. That to have cavalierly dis-guarded this fundamental basis of our heritage, have done irreparable damage to Great Britain’s worldwide standing. I don’t mean countries are in shock, I mean countries are wondering why they are constantly lectured to about democracy, why Cuba, Zimbabwe, etc are belittled the way they are for ignoring their people. The UK has done just that! Compounded by what appears electoral fraud in Peterborough. Have we indeed opened the door to despots to oppress their public from all corners of the world.

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