The worst of omicron may be over as reported cases fall | GMA

Induction of F-35 – A Much-Needed Boost for Israel’s Air Superiority in the Region?

This article provides an insight into the purpose of Israel’s acquiring F-35 Fighter Jet from America. It discusses how the Jet will change the dynamics in the region and will help Israel in gaining air supremacy. The most important reason mentioned in the article is Israel’s aim to outclass Arabs and Iranians in any future war. It also explains why the Americans provided Israel with such advanced fighter jet.

MALNUTRITION: Oil of a Burning World

According to UNICEF, nearly half of the total children around the world under the age of 5 die because of malnutrition. That is roughly about 3 million young minds we lose in a year. These figures seems to be even more depressing when we talk about malnutrition in India.

Why North Korea Is Not Threatening The USA Today

The President of North Korea knows that he doesn’t have to send missiles to threaten the United States because it is starting its own war within the country. What the rest of the world is seeing and most shocked about is the attitude of the President in response to the race riots in Charlottesville. He not only appears to condone them but has been taking advice from the leader of the riot and also the head of the White Supremacist Movement.

The Greatest Challenge

Are we being led like sheep to the slaughter by leaders after quenching their thirst off of the tears of the masses? Is mankind going to dissolve into obscurity where all that is left is woe and misery? Has the US lost it’s moral compass?

Did Senator Pauline Hansen Break A Religious Code By Wearing a Berqa Into the Senate?

When Senator, Pauline Hansen, arrived to take her seat in the Australian Federal Senate today she caused an outrage from the leader of the House. She was wearing a berqa, a Muslim complete body cover, which many think is a religious garb. The rhetoric that headed her way from Senator Brandis was one of sheer disgust that she would offend a religious group in this way.

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