Protest over vaccine mandates brings Canadian government to a standstill
Israel – The Real Story: The Facts That Don’t Make The Headlines The problem with the international columns in our newspapers is that everything gets simplified. In a nutshell, simplicity…
‘Freedom Convoy’ protests cause state of emergency in Ottawa I GMA
Human Trafficking Around the World: The Global Reach of Modern-Day Slavery! Human trafficking has become a global problem that can no longer be ignored. Today trafficking in human beings is…
Breaking down COVID rules at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics I GMA
Tuning Into God Means You Can Hear the Spirit Speak to You The world has been made deaf by the noise of the world when it comes to tuning into…
ABC News Live: ISIS leader killed in Syria raid
From Subic Bay To Sevastopol The U.S. peacefully handed over its most important foreign naval base. It is an example Vladimir Putin has no intention of following. The Risks Posed…
How one Principal became the COVID-19 ‘vaccine whisperer’
Failure Is Man Made While Success Is From God Our lives rarely turn out in the way we might expect. There are many aspects to them that change our dreams…
COVID-19 cases drop sharply, down 36% in a week
More Flood Defences: Why Not Assist Relocation? Once again, parts of Britain have been inundated by exceptionally heavy storms that overwhelmed flood defences built only a few years ago and…
Truckers protest at US-Canada border over vaccine mandates
An Oscar on the Screen and a Realpolitik Behind the Curtain: A Critique on the Recent Oscar Awards An Oscar again to the 2012, Academy Oscar award winner, Pakistani activist…
Pfizer requests emergency use for its vaccine for young children l ABCNL
The March on Freedom “What is the current price of an honest man and patriot today? They are ambiguous and saddened, and they sometimes make appeals, but they do nothing…
Pfizer asked the FDA for emergency use for its COVID-19 vaccine for children under the age of 5
In Solidarity With Beloved Weeping Mother India I viewed with great interest the movie documentary, Mother India: Life through the Eyes of the Orphan (2012). With 31,000,000 orphans in India,…
Pfizer asks for vaccine authorization for kids under 5 I GMA
Immigration Strengthens Tolerance in the World The world is divided on the burning question of the international relations, few thought that immigration causes harms and intolerance and few some thought…